Alexandru Iosup

University Research Chair and Full Professor, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Chief Magic Officer, AtLarge team.

Research Focus
Massivizing Computer Systems



Course List

Beyond Von Neumann in the Computing Continuum: Architectures, Applications, and Future Directions
IEEE Internet Computing 28(3): 6-16 (2024)
The computing continuum: From IoT to the cloud
Internet of Things 27: 101272 (2024)
Generic and ML Workloads in an HPC Datacenter: Node Energy, Job Failures, and Node-Job Analysis
The 30th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS 2024)
Towards a Workload Trace Archive for Metaverse Systems
ICPE HotCloudPerf 2024
FootPrinter: Quantifying Data Center Carbon Footprint
HotCloudPerf 2024
The Cost of Simplicity: Understanding Datacenter Scheduler Programming Abstractions
15th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE'24)
Enabling Operational Data Analytics for Datacenters through Ontologies, Monitoring, and Simulation-based Prediction
The Second Workshop on Serverless, Extreme-Scale, and Sustainable Graph Processing Systems (GraphSys 2024)
ExDe: Design Space Exploration of Scheduler Architectures and Mechanisms for Serverless Data-processing
FGCS 2023
Servo: Increasing the Scalability of Modifiable Virtual Environments Using Serverless Computing
ICDCS 2023
Serverless Computing: What It Is, and What It Is Not?
Communications of the ACM, September 2023, Vol. 66 No. 9, Pages 80-92
A Trace-driven Performance Evaluation of Hash-based Task Placement Algorithms for Cache-enabled Serverless Computing
2023 ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers (CF '23)
Graph Greenifier: Towards Sustainable and Energy-Aware Massive Graph Processing in the Computing Continuum
ICPE GraphSys 2023
A Reference Architecture for Datacenter Scheduler Programming Design and Experiments
ICPE Work in Progress 2023
How Do ML Jobs Fail in Datacenters? Analysis of a Long-Term Dataset from an HPC Cluster
The 6th Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing Performance (HotCloudPerf 2023)
Can My WiFi Handle the Metaverse? A Performance Evaluation Of Meta’s Flagship Virtual Reality Hardware
ICPE HotCloudPerf 2023
Continuum: Automate Infrastructure Deployment and Benchmarking in the Compute Continuum
ICPE FastContinuum 2023
The SPEC-RG Reference Architecture for the Compute Continuum
Meterstick: Benchmarking Performance Variability in Cloud and Self-hosted Minecraft-like Games
ICPE 2023
Towards Extreme and Sustainable Graph Processing for Urgent Societal Challenges in Europe
2022 IEEE Cloud Summit, 23-30
Efficiently Improving the Performance of Serverless Applications with Microtask-based Scheduling
4th International Workshop on Cloud, IoT and Fog Systems (CIFS’22) (co-located with UCC), Dec 2022
Less is not more: We need rich datasets to explore
Future Generation Computer Systems
  • Michael Crusoe,
  • Sanne Abeln,
  • Alexandru Iosup,
  • Peter Amstutz,
  • John Chilton,
  • Nebojša Tijanić,
  • Hervé Ménager,
  • Stian Soiland-Reyes,
  • Bogdan Gavrilović,
  • Carole Goble
  • (2022)
Methods Included: Standardizing Computational Reuse and Portability with the Common Workflow Language
Communications of the ACM, June 2022, Vol. 65 No. 6, Pages 54-63
TaskFlow: An Energy- and Makespan-Aware Task Placement Policy for Workflow Scheduling through Delay Management
ICPE HotCloudPerf 2022
Capelin: Data-Driven Compute Capacity Procurement for Cloud Datacenters Using Portfolios of Scenarios
IEEE Trans. Parallel Distributed Syst., Volume 33, 2022
Empirical Characterization of User Reports about Cloud Failures
ACSOS 2021
A Review of Serverless Use Cases and their Characteristics
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE)
  • Cristina L. Abad,
  • Alexandru Iosup,
  • Edwin F. Boza,
  • Eduardo Ortiz-Holguin
  • (2021)
An Analysis of Distributed Systems Syllabi With a Focus on Performance-Related Topics
ICPE HotCloudPerf 2021
Serverless Applications: Why, When, and How?
IEEE Softw., Volume 38, 2021
  • Sherif Sakr,
  • Angela Bonifati,
  • Hannes Voigt,
  • Alexandru Iosup,
  • Khaled Ammar,
  • Renzo Angles,
  • Walid Aref,
  • Marcelo Arenas,
  • Maciej Besta,
  • Peter A. Boncz,
  • Khuzaima Daudjee,
  • Emanuele Della Valle,
  • Stefania Dumbrava,
  • Olaf Hartig,
  • Bernhard Haslhofer,
  • Tim Hegeman,
  • Jan Hidders,
  • Katja Hose,
  • Adriana Iamnitchi,
  • Vasiliki Kalavri,
  • Hugo Kapp,
  • Wim Martens,
  • M. Tamer Özsu,
  • Eric Peukert,
  • Stefan Plantikow,
  • Mohamed Ragab,
  • Matei R. Ripeanu,
  • Semih Salihoglu,
  • Christian Schulz,
  • Petra Selmer,
  • Juan F. Sequeda,
  • Joshua Shinavier,
  • Gábor Szárnyas,
  • Riccardo Tommasini,
  • Antonino Tumeo,
  • Alexandru Uta,
  • Ana Lucia Vărbănescu,
  • Hsiang-Yun Wu,
  • Nikolay Yakovets,
  • Da Yan,
  • Eiko Yoneki
  • (2021)
The Future is Big Graphs: A Community View on Graph Processing Systems
Communications of the ACM, September 2021, Vol. 64 No. 9, Pages 62-71
A survey of domains in workflow scheduling in computing infrastructures: Community and keyword analysis, emerging trends, and taxonomies
Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS), Volume 123, October 2021
Dyconits: Scaling Minecraft-like Services through Dynamically Managed Inconsistency
ICDCS 2021
OpenDC 2.0: Convenient Modeling and Simulation of Emerging Technologies in Cloud Datacenters
CCGrid 2021
GradeML: Towards Holistic Performance Analysis for Machine Learning Workflows
HotCloudPerf 2021
An Empirical Evaluation of the Performance of Video Conferencing Systems
HotCloudPerf 2021
An Empirical Evaluation of Video Conferencing Systems Used in Industry, Academia, and Entertainment
2021, ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering Companion (ICPE Companion)
Methodological Principles for Reproducible Performance Evaluation in Cloud Computing
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE)
Beneath the SURFace: An MRI-like View into the Life of a 21st-Century Datacenter
Login Usenix Magazine, Fall 2020, Vol. 45 No. 3
  • Alexandru Iosup,
  • Catia Trubiani,
  • Anne Koziolek,
  • José Nelson Amaral,
  • Andre B. Bondi,
  • Andreas Brunnert
  • (2020)
Flexibility Is Key in Organizing a Global Professional Conference Online: The ICPE 2020 Experience in the COVID-19 Era
ICPE 2020
Grade10: A Framework for Performance Characterization of Distributed Graph Processing
IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER)
Sharing and Caring of Data at the Edge
(joint first co-authors) 3rd USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Edge Computing (HotEdge 2020)
The Workflow Trace Archive: Open-Access Data from Public and Private Computing Infrastructures
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS) 2020
Beyond Microbenchmarks: The SPEC-RG Vision for A Comprehensive Serverless Benchmark
HotCloudPerf 2020
Is Big Data Performance Reproducible In Modern Cloud Networks?
2020, USENIX Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI)
Towards Supporting Millions of Users in Modifiable Virtual Environments by Redesigning Minecraft-Like Games as Serverless Systems
12th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing (HotCloud'20)
The SPEC-RG Reference Architecture for FaaS: From Microservices and Containers to Serverless Platforms
IEEE Internet Computing
A CPU Contention Predictor for Business-Critical Workloads in Cloud Datacenters
2nd Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing Performance
Portfolio Scheduling for Managing Operational and Disaster-Recovery Risks in Virtualized Datacenters Hosting Business-Critical Workloads
18th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing, ISPDC 2019, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 3-7, 2019
Efficient Estimation of Read Density when Caching for Big Data Processing
9th International Workshop on Big Data and Cloud Performance (DCPerf’19) @ INFOCOM 2019
Graphless: Toward Serverless Graph Processing
The 18th IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (ISPDC 2019), Amsterdam, the Netherlands, June 5-7, 2019
The AtLarge Vision on the Design of Distributed Systems and Ecosystems.
IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2019)
Yardstick: A Benchmark for Minecraft-like Services
ICPE 2019
Characterization of a Big Data Storage Workload in the Cloud
ICPE 2019
A mirroring architecture for sophisticated mobile games using computation-offloading
Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp. 30(17): (2018)
POSUM: A Portfolio Scheduler for MapReduce Workloads
2018, IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData)
Quantifying Cloud Performance and Dependability: Taxonomy, Metric Design, and Emerging Challenges
TOMPECS 3(4): 19:1-19:36
A Reference Architecture for Datacenter Scheduling
International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis 2018 (SC18)
Serverless is More: From PaaS to Present Cloud Computing
IEEE Internet Computing, Sep/Oct edition, 2018
An Analysis of Workflow Formalisms for Workflows with Complex Non-Functional Requirements
HotCloudPerf 2018
  • Erwin van Eyk,
  • Alexandru Iosup,
  • Cristina L. Abad (ESPOL, Ecuador),
  • Johannes Grohmann (U. Wuertzburg, Germany),
  • Simon Eismann (U. Wuertzburg, Germany)
  • (2018)
A SPEC RG Cloud Group's Vision on the Performance Challenges of FaaS Cloud Architectures
ICPE 2018
A Trace-Based Performance Study of Autoscaling Workloads of Workflows in Datacenters
International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing 2018
Massivizing Computer Systems: a Vision to Understand, Design, and Engineer Computer Ecosystems through and beyond Modern Distributed Systems
International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems 2018
An Experimental Performance Evaluation of Autoscalers for Complex Workflows
TOMPECS (Best Paper Nominations from ICPE'17, revised and extended versions). Accepted, in print.
Elasticity in Graph Analytics? A Benchmarking Framework for Elastic Graph Processing
Cluster 2018 : IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing
Exploring HPC and Big Data Convergence: A Graph Processing Study on Intel Knights Landing
Cluster 2018 : IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing
ANANKE: a Q-Learning-Based Portfolio Scheduler for Complex Industrial Workflows
ICAC 2017: 227-232
The SPEC Cloud Group's Research Vision on FaaS and Serverless Architectures
Second International Workshop on Serverless Computing (WoSC@Middleware 2017)
An Experimental Performance Evaluation of Autoscaling Policies for Complex Workflows
ICPE 2017: 75--86 (Nominated for Best Paper Award)
Modeling, analysis, and experimental comparison of streaming graph-partitioning policies.
J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 108: 106-121 (2017)
The OpenDC Vision: Towards Collaborative Datacenter Simulation and Exploration for Everybody.
ISPDC 2017 (invited paper)
Granula: Toward Fine-grained Performance Analysis of Large-scale Graph Processing Platforms.
GRADES@SIGMOD/PODS 2017: 8:1-8:6
Operation analysis of massively multiplayer online games on unreliable resources
Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications 9(6): 1145-1161 (2016)
When Game Becomes Life: The Creators and Spectators of Online Game Replays and Live Streaming.
TOMCCAP 12(4): 47:1-47:24 (2016)
Towards the Next Generation of Large-Scale Network Archives.
Euro-Par Workshops 2016: 571-579
Design and Experimental Evaluation of Distributed Heterogeneous Graph-Processing Systems
CCGrid 2016: 203-212
LDBC Graphalytics: A Benchmark for Large-Scale Graph Analysis on Parallel and Distributed Platforms
PVLDB 9(13): 1317-1328 (2016)
An Availability-on-Demand Mechanism for Datacenters.
CCGRID 2015: 495-504
Statistical Characterization of Business-Critical Workloads Hosted in Cloud Datacenters.
CCGRID 2015: 465-474
Area of Simulation: Mechanism and Architecture for Multi-Avatar Virtual Environments.
TOMCCAP 12(1): 8:1-8:24 (2015)
Toxicity detection in multiplayer online games.
NETGAMES 2015: 1-6 (Best Paper Award)
V for Vicissitude: The Challenge of Scaling Complex Big Data Workflows
CCGRID 2014: 927-932
Socializing by Gaming: Revealing Social Relationships in Multiplayer Online Games
TKDD 10(2): 11:1-11:29 (2015)
Mnemos: Self-Expressive Management of Business-Critical Workloads in Virtualized Datacenters
IEEE Computer 48(7): 46-54 (2015)
An Empirical Performance Evaluation of GPU-Enabled Graph-Processing Systems.
CCGRID 2015: 423-432
Comparison of Static and Dynamic Resource Allocations for Massively Multiplayer Online Games on Unreliable Resources
Euro-Par 2014: 229-310
SLA-based operations of massively multiplayer online games in clouds
Multimedia Systems 20(5): 521-544 (2014)
Balanced resource allocations across multiple dynamic MapReduce clusters
SIGMETRICS 2014: 329-341
Towards Benchmarking IaaS and PaaS Clouds for Graph Analytics.
WBDB 2014: 109-131
Characterization of Human Mobility in Networked Virtual Environments.
NOSSDAV 2014: 13
Modeling Avatar Mobility of Networked Virtual Environments.
MMVE@MMSys 2014: 2:1-2:6
Massivizing online games using cloud computing: A vision.
ICME Workshops 2014: 1-4
Analyzing Implicit Social Networks in Multiplayer Online Games.
IEEE Internet Computing 18(3): 36-44 (2014)
IaaS Cloud Benchmarking: Approaches, Challenges, and Experience.
Cloud Computing for Data-Intensive Applications 2014: 83-104 (book chapter)
Benchmarking graph-processing platforms: a vision.
ICPE 2014: 289-292
An experience report on using gamification in technical higher education.
SIGCSE 2014: 27-32
How Well Do Graph-Processing Platforms Perform? An Empirical Performance Evaluation and Analysis.
IPDPS 2014: 395-404
Understanding and recommending play relationships in online social gaming
COMSNETS 2013: 1-10
Autonomic operation of massively multiplayer online games in clouds
CAC 2013: 10:1-10:10
SLA-based operation of massively multiplayer online games in competition-based environments
C3S2E 2013: 104-112
Autonomous massively multiplayer online game operation on unreliable resources
C3S2E 2013: 95-103
Extending the Capabilities of Mobile Devices for Online Social Applications through Cloud Offloading
CCGrid 2013: 160-163
The BTWorld use case for big data analytics: Description, MapReduce logical workflow, and empirical evaluation
2013, IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData)
Massivizing Multi-player Online Games on Clouds.
CCGRID 2013: 152-155
Exploring portfolio scheduling for long-term execution of scientific workloads in IaaS clouds.
SC 2013: 55:1-55:12
A Periodic Portfolio Scheduler for Scientific Computing in the Data Center.
JSSPP 2013: 156-176
Scheduling Jobs in the Cloud Using On-Demand and Reserved Instances.
Euro-Par 2013: 242-254
The Failure Trace Archive: Enabling the comparison of failure measurements and models of distributed systems.
J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 73(8): 1208-1223 (2013)
  • Mark Hendrikx,
  • Sebastiaan Meijer,
  • Joeri Van Der Velden,
  • Alexandru Iosup
  • (2013)
Procedural content generation for games: A survey.
TOMCCAP 9(1): 1:1-1:22 (2013)
Massively Multiplayer Online Games on unreliable resources
NetGames 2012: 1-2
An analysis of online match-based games.
HAVE 2012: 134-139 (Workshops)
  • Orna Agmon Ben-Yehuda,
  • Assaf Schuster,
  • Artyom Sharov,
  • Mark Silberstein,
  • Alexandru Iosup
  • (2012)
ExPERT: Pareto-Efficient Task Replication on Grids and a Cloud.
IPDPS 2012: 167-178
The Game Trace Archive.
NetGames 2012: 1-6
  • Enno Folkerts,
  • Alexander Alexandrov,
  • Kai Sachs,
  • Alexandru Iosup,
  • Volker Markl,
  • Cafer Tosun
  • (2012)
Benchmarking in the Cloud: What It Should, Can, and Cannot Be.
TPCTC 2012: 173-188
An Analysis of Provisioning and Allocation Policies for Infrastructure-as-a-Service Clouds.
CCGRID 2012: 612-619
RTSenv: An experimental environment for real-time strategy games
2011 10th Workshop on Network and Systems Support for Games: 1-6
POGGI: generating puzzle instances for online games on grid infrastructures
Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp. 23(2): 158-171 (2011)
A new business model for massively multiplayer online games.
ICPE 2011: 271-282
Dynamic Resource Provisioning in Massively Multiplayer Online Games.
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS)
Grid Computing Workloads.
IEEE Internet Computing 15(2): 19-26 (2011)
Identifying, analyzing, and modeling flashcrowds in BitTorrent.
Peer-to-Peer Computing 2011: 240-249
On the Performance Variability of Production Cloud Services.
CCGRID 2011: 104-113
Performance Analysis of Cloud Computing Services for Many-Tasks Scientific Computing
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS)
CAMEO: Enabling social networks for Massively Multiplayer Online Games through Continuous Analytics and cloud computing
NetGames 2010: 1-6
The impact of virtualisation on the performance and operational costs of Massively Multiplayer Online Games
IJAMC 4(4): 364-386 (2010)
Sampling Bias in BitTorrent Measurements.
Euro-Par 2010: 484-496
BTWorld: towards observing the global BitTorrent file-sharing network.
HPDC 2010: 581-588
The performance of bags-of-tasks in large-scale distributed systems.
HPDC 2010: 49-60
The Failure Trace Archive: Enabling Comparative Analysis of Failures in Diverse Distributed Systems.
CCGRID 2010: 398-407 (Best Paper Award)
Analysis and modeling of time-correlated failures in large-scale distributed systems.
GRID 2010: 65-72
A Model for Space-Correlated Failures in Large-Scale Distributed Systems.
Euro-Par 2010: 88-100
The impact of virtualization on the performance of Massively Multiplayer Online Games
NetGames 2009: 1-6
POGGI: Puzzle-Based Online Games on Grid Infrastructures
Euro-Par 2009: 390-403
C-Meter: A Framework for Performance Analysis of Computing Clouds.
CCGRID 2009: 472-477
Trace-based evaluation of job runtime and queue wait time predictions in grids.
HPDC 2009: 111-120
On the characteristics of grid workflows.
CoreGRID Symposium at Euro-Par 2008
Efficient management of data center resources for massively multiplayer online games.
SC 2008: 10
Inter-operating grids through Delegated MatchMaking.
Scientific Programming 16(2-3): 233-253 (2008) (Special Issue with Nominated and Best Paper Awards at SC|07
A performance study of grid workflow engines.
GRID 2008: 25-32
The performance of bags-of-tasks in large-scale distributed systems.
HPDC 2008: 97-108
The Grid Workloads Archive.
Future Generation Comp. Syst. 24(7): 672-686 (2008)
TRIBLER: a social-based peer-to-peer system.
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 20(2): 127-138 (2008)
Build-and-Test Workloads for Grid Middleware: Problem, Analysis, and Applications.
CCGRID 2007: 205-213
The Characteristics and Performance of Groups of Jobs in Grids.
Euro-Par 2007: 382-393
Inter-operating grids through delegated matchmaking.
SC 2007: 13 (Nominated for Best Paper Award and Best Student Paper Award)
On the dynamic resource availability in grids.
GRID 2007: 26-33
On Grid Performance Evaluation Using Synthetic Workloads.
JSSPP 2006: 232-255
Provisioning and Scheduling Resources for World-Wide Data-Sharing Services.
e-Science 2006: 84
GRENCHMARK: A Framework for Analyzing, Testing, and Comparing Grids.
CCGRID 2006: 313-320
Correlating Topology and Path Characteristics of Overlay Networks and the Internet.
CCGRID 2006: 10
How are Real Grids Used? The Analysis of Four Grid Traces and Its Implications.
GRID 2006: 262-269
2Fast : Collaborative Downloads in P2P Networks.
Peer-to-Peer Computing 2006: 23-30 (Best Paper Award)

Supervised Master Theses
Erroneous Kubernetes Object Generation using Structure-aware Fuzzing
Controless: A serverless control plane for Kubernetes
'ODAbler': Design and Evaluation of an Operational Data Analytics Framework for Energy-efficient management of Workloads in a Data Centre Simulator OpenDC
Characterization and Modelling of Resource Usage and Energy Consumption in HPC Datacenters by Machine Learning
Data Characterization and Anomaly Detection for HPC Datacenters Using Machine Learning
Understanding Datacenter Scheduler Programming Abstractions: Reference Architecture Design, Scheduler Analysis, and Cost Quantification
Radice: Data-driven Risk Analysis of Sustainable Cloud Infrastructure using Simulation
Modeling and Simulation of the Google TensorFlow Ecosystem
The Design and Experimental Use of CReB, a Container Registry Benchmark
Capelin: Fast Data-Driven Capacity Planning for Cloud Datacenters
The Design, Productization, and Evaluation of a Serverless Workflow-Management System
Experimental Performance Analysis of Graph Analytics Frameworks
POSUM: A Generic Portfolio Scheduler for MapReduce Workloads
Design and Experimental Evaluation of a System based on Dynamic Conits for Scaling Minecraft-like Environments
Workload Characterization and Modeling, and the Design and Evaluation of Cache Policies for Big Data Storage Workloads in the Cloud
ANANKE: a Q-Learning-Based Portfolio Scheduler for Complex Industrial Workflows
Design and Evaluation of a Portfolio Scheduler for Business-Critical Workloads Hosted in Cloud Datacenters

Supervised Bachelor Theses
Task-in-Pod Scheduling Support for Kubernetes and Apache Spark Stack
ShareBench: Performance Characterization of Distributed Resource-Sharing Mechanisms
Labels, Cards, and Simulation-Based Analysis for Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in Data Centers
Collection and Analysis of Operational Traces from SURFsara Datacenters
LEGO, but with Servers: Creating the Building Blocks to Design and Simulate Datacenters
OpenDC Serverless: Design, Implementation and Evaluation of a FaaS Platform Simulator
A Systematic Design Space Exploration of Datacenter Schedulers
Nebu: A topology-aware deployment system for reliable virtualized multi-cluster environments

Supervised Literature Surveys
A Survey of Scheduling Algorithms for the Edge
Multivocal Survey of the Function Management Layer in the Open-Source Serverless Platforms
Survey of Graph Analysis Applications
  • Mark Hendrikx,
  • Sebastiaan Meijer,
  • Joeri Van Der Velden,
  • Alexandru Iosup
  • (2013)
Procedural content generation for games: A survey.

A VU on Digital Twins to Improve the Performance and Technological Sustainability of Datacenters in the Continuum
MODSIM 2024, Seattle, USA, August 14-16, 2024
Building the Infrastructure Memex: VU on Operational Data Analytics in the 21st Century
ScalPerf'23, Bertinoro, Italy, Sep 18-21
Massivizing Computer Systems: VU on the Science, Design, and Engineering of Distributed Systems and Ecosystems
ENgineering Responsible Smart Systems, Smart Diaspora 2023, Timișoara, Romania, April 10-13, 2023.
Massivizing Graph Processing: The Science, Design, and Engineering of a Complex Ecosystems
The UTSA AI Consortium for Human Well-Being, U. Texas - San Antonio / Fri, Nov 18, 2022
Social Gamification Works! —OR— How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Teaching
IEEE German Education Conference 2022 (GeCon)
Massivizing Computer Systems: The Science, Design, and Engineering of Distributed Ecosystems (for Online Gaming)
Massivizing Online Games — OR — How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love Doing Research in Gaming Systems
VU Computer Science Student Association - STORM
Massivizing Serverless Computing: The Science, Design, and Engineering of Serverless Ecosystems
U. Waterloo Serverless Roundtable 2022 / Sep 19, 2022
Massivizing High Performance Computing for AI and ML: VU on the Science, Design, and Engineering of AI and ML Ecosystems
ScalPerf 2022 / Sep 21, 2022
Massivizing Computer Systems: a Vision to Understand, Design, and Engineer Computer Ecosystems through and beyond Modern Distributed Systems
Australasian Computer Science Week 2021
Will It Rain Today? Understanding the Weather of Computing Clouds, Before it Happens
EuroSys Shadow PC meeting
Cloud Computing Systems and Ecosystems: Science, Design, and Engineering
Ericsson Research, Stockholm, Sweden
AtLarge Vision on the Design of Distributed Systems and Ecosystems
IEEE ICDCS 2019, Dallas, TX, USA
Massivizing Computer Systems, The Science of Distributed (Eco)systems
VU HPC workshop
Massivizing Computer Systems = Making Modern Computer Systems Scalable, Reliable, High-Performance, Easy-to-Develop, Easy-to-Use, etc., Efficiently
Invited Talk, Lorentz Center, Leiden, The Netherlands
Massivizing Computer Systems: a Vision to Understand, Design, and Engineer Computer Ecosystems through and beyond Modern Distributed Systems
38th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2018), July 2 – 5, 2018, Vienna, Austria.
Massivizing Computer Systems: a Vision to Understand, Design, and Engineer Computer Ecosystems through and beyond Modern Distributed Systems
13th Cloud Control Workshop, June 13-15, 2018, Skåvsjöholm, Sweden
Massivizing Computer Systems: The Science of Distributed Ecosystems
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
On the Future of Higher Education: Darwinian and non-Darwinian Advances in Curriculum, Didactics, Technology, and Management
8th NSF/TCPP Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Computing Education (EduPar-18)
Talk Visit UPB-VU, May 9, 2018
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Introduction to Massivizing Computer Systems, Our Research Group
VU + TUD, the Netherlands
Introduction to Cloud Computing
Workshop,, CiC Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Higher Education and Big Data: Vision, Ongoing Research, and Pragmatic Perspectives
Invited Talk at NWO/MinOCW meeting on Big Data in Higher Education
The Teacher Is the Future
Invited Talk at VSNU Symposium on the Future of Education
Massivizing Computer Systems = Making Modern Computer Systems Scalable, Reliable, High-Performance, Easy-to-Develop, Easy-to-Use, etc., Efficiently
Invited Talk, Tsinghua-VU Faculty Symposium, Beijing, China
Introduction to Cloud Computing
Workshop,, CiC Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Massivizing Computer Systems = Making Modern Computer Systems Scalable, Reliable, High-Performance, Easy-to-Develop, Easy-to-Use, etc., Efficiently
Keynote, VU FEW Faculty Symposium, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Graphalytics: a Big Data Benchmark for Graph-Processing Platforms
Invited Talk, LDBC TUC meeting at SAP, Walldorf, Germany
Gamification Works! Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Teaching
Invited Talk, VSNU Education Day, the Netherlands
Massivizing Distributed Systems = Making Systems Scalable, Reliable, High-Performance, etc., Yet Efficient
Invited Talk, Lorentz Center, the Netherlands
Gamification Works! Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Teaching
Invited Talk, VSNU Education Day, the Netherlands
Graphalytics: from Benchmarking to Performance Engineering
Keynote, PELGA workshop at Euro-Par
Massivizing Distributed Systems = Making Systems Scalable, Reliable, High-Performance, etc., Yet Efficient
Award Talk, Netherlands Yearly Prize for ICT Research (NWO/IPN/KHMW) Nederlandse Prijs for ICT-onderzoek), the Netherlands
On the Future of Higher Education: Gamification, The Pyramid of Needs, and ICT to the Rescue
Invited Talk at ICT.OPEN
Graphalytics: a Big Data Benchmark for Graph-Processing Platforms
Invited Talk, LDBC TUC meeting at UPC Barcelona, Spain
Massivizing (= Scalable, High Performance, Reliable, Efficient) Graph-Processing Systems
Invited Talk, NIRICT, the Netherlands
Global-Scale Applications Rely on Datacenters, Datacenters Rely on Scalable Computer Systems
Invited Talk, University of Texas in Austin, TX, USA
Benchmarking Platforms for Large-Scale Graph Processing and RDF Data Management: The LDBC Approach
Tutorial at ICPE
Global-Scale Applications Rely on Datacenters, Datacenters Rely on Scalable Computer Systems
Invited Talk, IBM TJ Watson Research Center, NY, USA
Graphalytics: a Big Data Benchmark for Graph-Processing Platforms
Invited Talk, LDBC TUC meeting at IBM TJ Watson Research Center, NY, USA
Gamification Works!
Keynote, TU Delft Yearly Education Day
Gamification: an Interactive Session
Interactive Session, CEL meeting on Education in Higher Education, the Netherlands
Platform Selection and Performance Engineering for Graph Processing on Parallel and Distributed Platforms
Tutorial at ICPE
Scalable High Performance Systems
Technology Masterclass at the Royal Society for Engineers (KIVI), the Netherlands
Global-Scale Applications Rely on Datacenters, Datacenters Rely on Scalable Computer Systems
Technology Masterclass at Delft International Festival of Technology
Graphalytics: a Big Data Benchmark for Graph-Processing Platforms
Invited Talk, LDBC TUC meeting in Barcelona, Spain
Statistical Characterization of Business-Critical Workloads Hosted in Cloud Datacenters
Invited Talk, SPEC RG Cloud Group
Massivizing Online Gaming: Distributed Computing Challenges and High Quality Time
Invited Talk, group talks at EEMCS, the Netherlands
The Teacher of the Future
Invited Talk, Ministry of Education, Culture, and Research (MinOCW), the Netherlands
The Lecturer of the Future
Keynote, TU Delft EEMCS Yearly Education Day
Gamification Works!
Invited Talk, Gamification World, special event for March: a one-day conference on Gamification!, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Self-* Datacenter Management for Business Critical Workloads
Dagstuhl Seminar 15041: Model-driven Algorithms and Architectures for Self-Aware Computing Systems
Gamification in Technical Higher Education: Playful Education for Generation X/Y/Z/…
Invited talk, QS Conference on Higher Education at Wharton
Clouds and Big Data: Between Efficient Datacentres and Demanding Users
Invited Talk, Cloud Control workshop in Moelle, Sweden
Benchmarking Big Data in the Data Center: A TU Delft Perspective
Invited Talk, WBDB workshop in Potsdam, Germany
Big Data in the Cloud: Enabling the Fourth Paradigm by Matching SMEs with Datacenters
Invited Talk, ISO BDSG meeting in Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Benchmarking Graph-Processing Platforms: A Vision
Invited Talk, LDBC meeting in Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Using Gamification in Technical Higher Education: An XP Report
Article talk, ACM SIGCSE'14
A TU Delft Perspective on Big Data: Machine-Level Graph Processing, Time-Based Data Analytics, and Data Preservation in Large-Scale Distributed Systems
Invited Lecture, IBM Research Labs, Haifa, Israel
Scheduling in IaaS Cloud Computing Environments: Anything New?
Invited Lecture, CS Dept., The Hebrew University in Jerusalem (HUJI), Israel
A TU Delft Perspective on Big Data: Machine-Level Graph Processing, Time-Based Data Analytics, and Data Preservation in Large-Scale Distributed Systems
Invited Lecture, CS Dept., Technion, Israel
IaaS Cloud Benchmarking: Approaches, Challenges, and Experience
Invited Lecture, CS Dept., Technion, Israel
Massivizing Social Games: Distributed Computing Challenges and High Quality Time
Invited Lecture, CS Dept., Technion, Israel
IaaS Cloud Benchmarking: Approaches, Challenges, and Experience
Invited Lecture, Intel Haifa, Israel
Gamification: Playful Teaching for Generation-X/-Y/-Z/…
Keynote, TU Delft Yearly Education Day
IaaS Cloud Benchmarking: Approaches, Challenges, and Experience
Keynote, HotTopiCS @ ICPE 2013
Towards Logging and Preserving the Entire History of Distributed Systems
Dagstuhl Seminar 12472: Is the Future of Preservation Cloudy?
IaaS Cloud Benchmarking: Approaches, Challenges, and Experience
Cloud Computing: Open Research Questions for the Next Decade
Invited Talk at ICT.OPEN
Cloud Computing Support for Massively Social Gaming (Rain for the Thirsty)
Microsoft MSR Conference on Cloud Futures 2010
Massivizing Social Games: Yesterday, Today, and The Next Five Years
Keynote Annual Syposium of the The Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM)

    Course Architect
Computer Organization / Systems Architecture, BSc, VU (2017-ongoing)
    Course Architect
Distributed Systems, MSc, VU (2017-ongoing)
    Course Architect
Computer Organization, BSc, TUD (2011-2016)
    Course Architect
Distributed Systems, MSc, TUD (on and off 2009-2014, then yearly 2014-2016)