38th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2018), July 2 – 5, 2018, Vienna, Austria.
Our society is digital: industry, science, governance, and individuals depend, often transparently, on the inter-operation of large numbers of distributed computer systems. Although the society takes them almost for granted, these computer ecosystems are not available for all, may not be affordable for long, and raise numerous other research challenges. Inspired by these challenges and by our experience with distributed computer systems, we envision Massivizing Computer Systems, a domain of computer science focusing on understanding, controlling, and evolving successfully such ecosystems. Beyond establishing and growing a body of knowledge about computer ecosystems and their constituent systems, the community in this domain should also aim to educate many about design and engineering for this domain, and all people about its principles. This is a call to the entire community: there is much to discover and achieve.
Massivizing Computer Systems, Distributed Systems, Cloud Computing, Edge Computing, Datacenters, Vision, Science, Design, Engineering
-- EasyChair keyphrases: computer ecosystem (450), distributed system (322), computer system (240), massivizing computer system (206), computer science (180), non functional (173), non functional property (158), non functional requirement (158), software engineering (100), performance engineering (90), system biology (80), fundamental problem (80), large scale (80), big data (70), cloud computing (70), modern distributed system (63), big science (60), super flexibility (60), reference architecture (60), core principle (60), self awareness (60), application domain (60), grid computing (50), distributed computer system (47), large hadron collider (47), software defined everything (47), knowledge based society (47), real world experimentation (47), resource management (40), important software engineering question (40)
-- Primary Subject Area of Submission Cloud Computing & Data Centers
-- Secondary Subject Area of Submission Distributed Operating Systems & Middleware
Alexandru Iosup a.iosup@vu.nl Netherlands Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and TU Delft, the Netherlands {https://atlarge-research.com/aiosup/}
Alexandru Uta a.uta@vu.nl Netherlands Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Laurens Versluis l.f.d.versluis@vu.nl Netherlands Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Georgios Andreadis G.Andreadis@atlarge-research.com Netherlands Delft University of Technology {http://gandreadis.com}
Erwin van Eyk E.vanEyk@atlarge-research.com Netherlands Delft University of Technology
Tim Hegeman T.Hegeman@atlarge-research.com Netherlands Delft University of Technology
Sacheendra Talluri S.Talluri@atlarge-research.com Netherlands Delft University of Technology
Vincent van Beek vincent.vanbeek@solvinity.com Netherlands Solvinity {http://www.solvinity.com}
Lucian Toader