We are Massivizing Computer Systems, that is, making (distributed) computer systems scalable, reliable, performant, etc., yet forming efficient, engineered ecosystems available to everyone. Our work improves large-scale infrastructure, datacenters, cloud computing, big data, and numerous popular applications in the Digital Economy. Want to learn more? or Want to understand our research?

Latest Events

We are organizing a symposium on the 1st of May where we discuss the role of HPC in the roaring 20s, a time where computing research plays a crucial role in sustainability, science, AI, and many other topics. More info at www.vucompsys.net/hpc-the-roaring-20s-of-computing. The event is part of a two days event to celebrate Prof. Henri Bal's retirement!
5th Workshop on Challenges and Opportunities of Efficient and Performant Storage Systems (CHEOPS'25) @ EuroSys 2025
8th Workshop on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing Performance (HotCloudPerf 2025)
For R. Nicolae, in recognition for his academic achievements, both as a student and educator, and for his research contributions in ICT simulation. Awarded by the Faculty of Science (BETA) at VU Amsterdam with "Student Talent Award 2024". Further nominated for the VU-wide Student Talent Award.
Krijn Doekemeijer received the Amsterdam Data Science M.Sc. thesis award 2022 for his thesis "TropoDB: Design, Implementation and Evaluation of an Optimised KV-Store for NVMe Zoned Namespace Devices". Philipp Sommerhalter received the Amsterdam Data Science B.Sc. thesis award 2022 for his thesis "Labels, Cards, and Simulation-Based Analysis for Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in Data Centers".
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the NetherlandsDelft University of Technology, Delft, the NetherlandsUC Berkeley, CA, USAU. Innsbrueck, AustriaPolitehnica University of Bucharest, RomaniaTechnion, Haifa, IsraelTU Dortmund, Germany
Google Inc., Mountain View, CA, USAIBM TJ Watson Research Center, NY, USAIntel Labs, Portland, OR, USANerdalize, the NetherlandsThe Netherlnds e-Science Center, the NetherlandsNWO, the NetherlandsOracle Labs, SF, CA, USASalesforce, the NetherlandsSolvinity, the NetherlandsSTW, the Netherlands
COMMIT/, the NetherlandsCWI Amsterdam, the NetherlandsDistributed ASCI Supercomputer 5, the NetherlandsDelft Data Science, the NetherlandsGWDG, Goettingen, GermanyHuawei Research, SF, USA and Munich, GermanyLDBC, international organizationSAP, GermanySPEC Research, international organizationUPC Barcelona, SpainUniversity of Amsterdam, the NetherlandsU. Wuertzburg, GermanyAlpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt

Future Computer Systems and Networking Research in the Netherlands: A Manifesto

For the past year, we have been working on a Manifesto on the future of Computer Systems and Networking research in the Netherlands (CompSysNL). The CompSysNL Manifesto is now online [1]; a 2-page executive summary ready for sending around is also available [2]. We are a large, cross-institutional community of scientists and technology experts (30+ co-signatories, 7 universities, 5 research institutes and organizations, etc.) Also check out who’s who in CompSysNL [3].

#CompSysNL #Manifesto #computersystems #computernetworks #infrastructure #ICT


  1. Executive Summary (2 pages)
  2. Full version (40+ pages)
  3. Who’s who in CompSysNL?

Inauguration Seminar overview

The inauguration will be available via a live stream as well .

The overview of the inauguration seminar can be found here.

Venues currently (co-)organized by @Large

ISPDC 2019

Euro-Par 2019, Track 5 on Data Management, Analytics and Deep Learning

ICPE 2020

Current Openings

There are currently no active, open vacancies.

Looking for (more) openings? Interested to join or visit? Contact us!




The AtLarge website


Massivizing Datacenter Scheduling to Bring All Data Services to All People
LDBC Graphalytics

LDBC Graphalytics

Benchmarking suite for graph-processing platforms


Collaborative Datacenter Simulation and Exploration for Everybody


Massivizing Minecraft-like Networked Virtual Environments
Workflow Trace Archive

Workflow Trace Archive

Open-Access Data from Public and Private Computing Infrastructures


Computation Offloading for Distributed Sensor Applications
CPU-free Computing

CPU-free Computing

Reimagining Computing for the 21st Century
Grid Workload Archive

Grid Workload Archive

The primary purpose of the Grid Workloads Archive is to provide (anonymized) workload traces from grid environments to researchers and to practitioners alike.