Inauguration Seminar Talks

The slides of the Inaugural Lecture.

The inauguration can be live followed here.

Contact info:

1/ The Inaugural Lecture, entitled "Massivizing Computer Systems: The Science of Distributed Ecosystems"

When? June 12, 2018, starting from 15:45. Guests are expected to arrive no later than 15:30.

Where? The Aula of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, De Boelelaan 1105, 1081HV Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Dress code? Professorial attire for professors. To avoid flying over with a heavy suit, this can be provided also by the VU on the day of the inaugural lecture. Business-casual for non-professors.

Other info: There will be a reception after the lecture.

2/ The Seminar, on Modern Distributed Systems. The goal is to celebrate this expanding field, by having a diverse set of talks given by well-known professionals (we have truly outstanding researchers here) and by young researchers (the AtLarge research group) speaking alternatively.

When? June 11, 2018, starting from 13:30, and June 12, 2018, starting from 09:30. All invited speakers have confirmed their participation.

Where? June 11 room: WN-F647 (6th floor, wing F), June 12 room: WN-M143 (1st floor, wing M)

Dress code? Preferably business-casual.

Inauguration Schedule